Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Chemo Bag Fundraiser

I am fortunate to be able to pair up with an amazing group! The Chemo Bag is committed to providing gift bags to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. I feel so blessed to be able to support them in their mission.

For the rest of this month, and ALL of April, I will be donating ALL PROCEEDS to The Chemo Bag. What does that mean? That means that for every challenge pack sold, for every Shakeology order sold, for every piece of equipment sold, The Chemo Bag will receive my earnings. Not me. I am not keeping a dime.

If you’ve been thinking about ordering an at-home fitness program, I encourage you to do it NOW! You can support your own health and fitness while supporting others. What an amazing opportunity you have to bless our community here in the Lehigh Valley. Please join me and raise awareness for this cause.

I invite each and every one of you to reach out to me about programs and joining a challenge group. If you have questions, now’s the time to ask. I can even tell you how much will be donated from your individual sale. Additionally, please SHARE this information to as many people you know. That way, the word gets out and hopefully we can do more!

My goal is $1,000. I would love to blow this goal out of the water!

You can shop on my website at: Shop Here! Proceeds benefit The Chemo Bag

Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions Revisited!

LONG POST ALERT!!! Bear with me, as I am about to bear my soul. Many thanks in advance ;)

Picture this: New Year’s Eve 2013. I’m about to ring in the new year and I have to make some resolutions. I want to make a resolution that I will stick to. Something that I won’t give up on after a month (like usual) but also something that is a BIG goal. I want to make 2014 count. Sound familiar? Most of us wind up with similar feelings around the beginning of a new year. Hopes are high and people are feeling refreshed; ready to take action with their lives. I am no different. I set some big goals for myself in 2014. It’s almost the end of the first quarter of the year, and I’m ready to do some self-reflection to see where I stand on meeting the goals I set just three months ago. 

My Dream Board for 2014

Goal #1- Personal Development: I set a goal for myself to read more personal development. If I’m not willing to grow myself, then what’s the point? So far, I am not happy with what I’ve been doing in this department. I have only completed a total of 4 books this year for this category. I need to do better. I am pledging myself to a minimum of 10 minutes per day. No matter what! Starting today.

Goal #2- Go on a vacation: This is something that I KNOW my family needs. I booked a vacation- the success club trip to Mexico in March of 2015. I know it’s far away, but I’m slowing paying for it and I am excited to attend this trip. My girls are going to love the resort! I also booked my hotel for our coach summit in Vegas this June. I am psyched. Even though this is technically a “business trip,” I still think it counts as a vacation because I plan on having some FUN with my Beachbody Family!!!

Goal #3- Do the 3 vital behaviors every day. Some days, I admit, I am slacking in this. I am a product of the product (I drink my Shakeology & complete my daily workouts). They are considered non-negotiable with me. I do not always complete my personal development. I do not always invite people. I need to do better. I vow to do better!

Goal #4- Build muscle & tone/Create defined abs. I am well on my way to achieving this! I am getting some great results with X3 and the 21 Day Fix. I finished ChaLean Extreme, which helped. I am doing this right! I also plan on adding T25 back into my schedule. 

Goal #5- Lose 5 more pounds. I have not done such a great job in this. I confess, my nutrition is not always what it should be and I have more cheat meals than I would like to admit. I commit to doing better!

Goal #6- Eat Clean. Right now, I’m at about a 75% clean diet. I will be upping this to 85/90%. I feel better when I eat clean, so I’m just going to go for it!

Goal #7- Lead by example. I believe I am trying to do this for my team, but I pledge to do better and lead from the front. 

Goal #8- Date nights once a month. This has not happened yet, and I NEED to make this a priority. I will do this! I believe it’s important for my marriage and my sanity. 

Goal #9- Start a fit club. I have attempted to start one at my church, but they turned me down because I am moving. I felt defeated, and gave up on this goal. Now that I am revisiting it, I do not want to take no for an answer. I have made a new plan to look for a different location for fit club. Also, I will attend the fit club in Allentown and check it out- that way I can see how it’s supposed to be run and I can get ideas for when I find my own location. Never give up on a goal! 

Goal #10- Spend time with my girls. This is seriously my favorite goal. I love my daughters and I love seeing them laughing and smiling. It melts my heart. I have been spending a lot of quality time with them, and I plan to do more. Once it gets nice out, I plan to go for runs/walks and the park with them a lot. I also plan on spending more quality time away from television/iPads/iPhones, etc. I think it’s so important for their development to stay away from all of the gizmos and gadgets and just have time to be kids. I cannot wait to help them do more of that!

Goal #11- Read the Bible daily/attend church weekly. I have been pretty faithful when it comes to this goal. I just completed day 321 and I couldn’t be happier. I am going to add to this goal and say that if I miss a church service for any reason, I will go back and listen to the podcast. I don’t want to miss a message, because I know it’s important for my soul! Also, I think that my pastor has the ability to motivate and encourage. He also has the ability to say exactly what I need to hear every week. It’s uncanny and also a blessing. Why would I want to miss out on that?

Goal #12- SC5 every month. No excuses. So far, so good in this department! I am not going to take no for an answer here!!!

Goal #13- Move into a nice, dream home in Texas. This one, I don’t have much control over. I am (not so) patiently waiting for my house in Pennsylvania to sell. Until then, this goal is on HOLD. 

Goal #14- Get to Ruby and then Diamond status. I am pledging to learn more about how to motivate and encourage my team to be leaders. I am pledging to find business builders and then help them to learn this business so they can achieve their goals/wants/desires. Only then will I see success with this goal. 

Goal #15- Financial Freedom! Pay off debt! I am going to start working more on this. One bill at a time. One loan at a time. One payment at a time until it’s done! 

I will create my own destiny. Setting goals, re-evaluating them periodically, and pushing to meet them will guarantee my success. She believed she could, and so she did! <---that will be me!!! 

*If you want to know how to create a dream board, or if you want help defining your goals and setting smaller goals to help you reach the big ones, message me. I’d love to help! 


Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring Fever, 21 Day Fix/P90X3 Updates, and My Confession

Today we finally had some warmer weather. The warm weather makes me want to jump for joy! I can sense that I will be able to run outside sometime in the near future. Running is something that I’ve been missing. I have a double stroller ready to go and I cannot wait to get back on the trail.

Aside from running, I’ve been making some progress in my new programs. One week complete for the 21 Day Fix AND P90X3. I am happy to be seeing the number move on the scale, even if it’s only a little bit. I was up recently, due to the fact that I had been justifying WAY TOO MANY cheat meals which turned into cheat days...you get the picture. Too much junk food was allowed due to all of these circumstances I swore were out of my control. I was not home a lot recently, and so I justified eating junk. What should I have done instead? I should have packed healthy foods for me and my family and not made any excuses. This is my confession. I will move forward and continue to do what I should have been doing all along.

21 Day Fix Update:

The 21 Day Fix is a really great program. The workouts are intense, but there is a modifier in case you need one in the beginning (I used the modifier for some of the moves and I still felt the burn!). I am LOVING the portion-control container system. It’s definitely something that I know I can continue to use, even after my 21 days are up. Also, it’s something that can be done while eating out, which is also a really big bonus in my opinion.

P90X3 Update:

Tony Horton is NO JOKE. He brings it in intensity for X3, however it is completely reasonable and does have a modifier if any beginner wants to take a crack at it. I am getting used to the workouts, some of which are really difficult for me. One workout, called The Challenge, is 30 minutes of pushups and pullups. That’s it! Various types of these bad boys...it’s difficult but I definitely need to practice both of these since they are my weakness. I recommend choosing a low number to start! 

Additionally, one thing I really love is Tony’s sense of humor. He makes working out seem less like a mundane task and it’s something that I find enjoyable. Plus, I never know what’s going to come out of his mouth next. 

Week One Totals:

Even though I was HORRIBLE with following the nutrition plan for the 21 Day Fix this week (I cheated at least once per day, which I hate to admit but I need to confess so that I never do it again), I still lost 2 pounds. I cannot wait to finish my last 2 weeks and see how many inches and pounds drop off now that I am going to be perfect with my nutrition. (Thankfully, the plan allows me to have chocolate and wine so those cheats are allowed!)


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