Friday, May 9, 2014

Make Your Own Destiny

Tonight, I watched the most recent episode if ABC's Once Upon A Time. As I watched , I was struck by something Regina (a former evil queen/evil witch) said to her wicked sister (the wicked witch of the west). The wicked witch questioned how Regina, an evil queen, could use light magic. Light magic was the only way to defeat her, but no one evil should be able to use it; it's just not who they are. However, Regina claimed that she made her own destiny and that no one was going to tell her who she was or who she could be. She didn't let her past shape her future! She decided to create her own destiny. 

I think this is an important lesson for all of us! We shouldn't let our past define us. Just because we used to be a certain way, doesn't mean we have to stay the same. People can change! I, for one, love that redemption is possible for anyone willing to accept and embrace a different life than they are used to. Thank God for free will and the ability to shape our own futures and make our own choices. How wonderful that our past doesn't have to define us.

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