Sunday, March 22, 2015

On Demand Access

Have you heard? This month, Beachbody launched Beachbody On Demand--->stream workouts right from your internet-connected devices! What does that mean? You can workout anytime and anywhere and it's included with a Club Membership.


Haha! Do I sound like a commercial? I'm not trying to...but I'm just so darn excited! Now, I can take my kids to the park and my workout right along with me. No more will my kids climb all over me while I attempt to make it through a they can climb on the jungle gym and I can use my smartphone to get my sweat on! I am also mostly excited that any programs I already have will be included in addition to the 11 full programs already in the catalog and the single sample workouts, too. That's literally hundreds of choices, so I definitely won't get bored or stuck in a rut!

Check out all the details here:

As always, if you have any questions or want to sign up for my next challenge group, contact me via Facebook, send me an email, comment below or apply here! 

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