Friday, July 4, 2014

Let Freedom Ring

I just wanted to take a second to THANK GOD for the freedoms that I have been given. I live in the United States, where I am lucky enough to experience Freedom of religion and to experience the RIGHT to pursue happiness. I LOVE that it’s a constitutional right for people to be able to do so. However, just because we have the right to pursue happiness, doesn’t mean we have the right to make stupid decisions that could get ourselves or someone else hurt, or worse. So today, be thankful of your freedoms but be mindful of other peoples’ as well. Stay safe and try to eat somewhat healthy today so you don’t get completely off-track. I’m choosing to use my freedom of choice today to make healthy decisions- like watermelon for dessert instead of dirt cake :)
I also plan on trying out some fun recipes. Like these healthy & not-so-healthy recipes (ya gotta live a little) I pinned on my Pinterest. Check them out here!
Enjoy your Independence Day, America, and stay safe!

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