Sunday, February 8, 2015

Busy People! Do you have 5 minutes?

Who here is busy? No time to workout? Well, I have a solution! Start small. Sometimes the overwhelming feeling of starting something new can discourage us and cause us to run away in fear. We lose out on some of life’s greatest benefits by fearing what we think could happen instead of living our lives. This fear ends up controlling us. Well, I say no more! Slap your fear in the face and let it go. Take one step forward at a time and start with something small.

 Is clean eating something you want to try but you feel overwhelmed by the whole process and so you fear failure and even getting started? Try cutting out soda and fast food to start and increasing your water intake. Once a week goes by, you may feel ready to start adding in more fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting out anything from a box. Eventually, and before you even realize it, you’ll be an expert clean eater!

 The same holds true for exercise. If you fear starting because maybe you don’t have enough time, you’re out of shape and will feel winded or you have joint pain that you don’t want to exacerbate, I challenge you to get rid of those excuses! At least for 5 minutes a day for a week. When the week is up, increase your exercising to 10 minutes, and then 15, and before you know it, you’ll be exercising through a 30 minute program like a master!

 If you’d like to start scheduling time to eat right and of course, workout, then start small and make the decision to make the change today.
Join me starting tomorrow for my 5 Day/5 Minute Workout Challenge. Contact me on Facebook by clicking the Facebook button above and I will add you to the private group! It’s free and quick! What do you have to lose?

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