Monday, February 16, 2015

Run A Race

A 5k race might not seem like much to some avid runners, but for me, running a 5k is no small feat. I had to work my way up to this achievement, one step at a time. I never used to consider myself a runner. I never would have said, "I like to run for fun!" But in recent years, and over time, I have grown to love running as a sport and an exercise I enjoy. 

Why? My reason is simple. When I run, I get a break from my life. I get to be alone with my thoughts. I also get to exert some energy and flood my body with endorphins. When I finish a run, I feel better than good- I feel great! I use my time running to:

-Listen to music
-Think out a solution to a problem 
-Plan and organize my day (by organizing my thoughts and prioritizing my activities)
-Thank God for the wonderful day He has made. I always take a minute to admire nature and give thanks when I'm outside running in the fresh air
-Listen to an audiobook and develop myself and grow my leadership skills/abilities
-Chat with a running buddy (if I run with a friend that day)
-Increase my time and distance and get better at running
-Train for a future race that I have a goal to run

Setting a running goal is important to me because it keeps me focused on why I'm running in the first place. My first goal was always to run a 5k. Just this past weekend, I ran one and had my best time! I came in somewhere around the 27/28 minute mark. My goal was to be under 30 minutes. I pushed myself to sprint at the end, and it felt good! I have ran a few other races in the past- some straight 5k races and others fun, obstacle-course-type races that feel great when done with a team. I highly recommend running a mud run, a Spartan sprint or a Color Run! Lots of teamwork and a ton of fun! 

I also recommend that when you set a goal, and you achieve it, that you set your next goal immediately. I ran a 5k. I increased my time. My next goal is a 10k and then a half marathon after that. If I set smaller goals and meet them one step (or mile) at a time, I know I can achieve my bigger goals. For myself, I know that signing up and commuting to a race is the next step to encouraging myself to keep training towards my next goal. Once I decide to do it, and commit to doing it, I know I can succeed! The body achieves what the mind believes, right?!

So I encourage you to run a race. Do a 1 mile fun run. Then run a 5k! Sign up with a friend and practice 3-4 times a week until you're ready to run. I guarantee when you come across that finish line, you'll be hooked and looking for your next race! The best thing about these races is that they usually donate their profit to worthy causes, so find something worthy you believe in and go support their cause! You won't be sorry!

And of course, come back and comment below with how you did! I would love to hear back from you what you think about running and this great way to stay in shape and develop your kind, body & soul.  

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