Thursday, February 6, 2014

Get on the Fast Track!

Have you ever wandered into a store (Target perhaps?) for ONE THING and then an hour later, you walk out of the store with 150 to 200 dollars spent and you have bags full of stuff you don’t need! And most of the time, you wind up with JUNK that you shouldn’t eat or clothes that you probably won’t wear and gadgets that you definitely won’t use. The only thing this stuff can guarantee is that it will clog up your closets and take up unnecessary space!! UGH! Why is this an addiction? Am I the only one that falls into this trap?!

I don’t know about you, but I can sit here and think of a lot of other uses for my money than to watch it slip through my fingers and land on that big, red bullseye. One thing that I personally need to redirect my spending towards is my health. Recently, my family has been hit with some health-related issues. Issues that are life-and-death issues! I realize that now more than ever, I want to be here to see my children and even my grandchildren grow up! I don’t want them to ever have to worry whether or not I am healthy. I do not want to be faced with the medical bills that will build up if I’m not taking care of myself.

I have been working on my health goals since July 2013, however I was definitely knocked off track by the holidays. It starts with a few treats around Halloween and snowballs by New Years Eve until one chocolate here or there becomes a bag...(Hi, I’m Stephanie and I’m a chocaholic). I plan to END THE TREND and get my nutrition back on track. I am jumping on the fast track to getting my health back in check!! If this resonates with you, maybe you could join me? I’d love to have a partner for support! Want to know what I’ll be doing to fast track my success??? Keep reading!

So, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the 21 Day Fix released on Monday. This program is super simple to follow & literally, anyone can be successful with this! I do not care what your excuse is- old or young, fit or not, this program can bring you results.

This program features:

*7 different workouts that are 30-minutes each
*A portion-control color-coded container system (easy to follow- requires no calorie counting or points! If it fits, you can eat it!)
*A list of foods that will fit in the containers (Wine & Chocolate included!) <--a realistic plan!


I know that some of you are looking at this program and thinking “that’s too easy for me” because you’ve been doing Insanity/P90X for a long time and you know that you can BRING IT. However, I’m here to tell you that you will get out of this workout what you put in! If you give all your intensity to these 30 minutes, then you will see results.

What about those of you that are beginners? You might be thinking, “this looks too hard.” I am here to reassure you, it’s not!! There is a modifier for you to follow in every workout and you can adjust as necessary to meet your own needs. Remember, just because you can’t give it 120% doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. Do your best & forget the rest! The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen ;)

So, if you are ready to jump on board with me & help me become successful with my nutrition- let’s do this together! We can keep each other accountable for the three weeks of this program and stimulate life-long habits that will keep us healthy for our children & our children’s children. 

Apply for my challenge below and Let’s Do This! 

Challenge Application:

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