Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How I Start and End My Day

On days when my daughter has preschool, I wake up to my Shaun T. alarm ringtone saying it's time to get my butt up, get in my workout and start my day. On other days, I let the kids wake me up! 

The first steps I take in the morning: put in my coconut oil and set my phone timer for 20 minutes. Oil pulling is step 1! Then, I read my Bible app. I look at the verse of the day, share it to Facebook, then continue on to read my one-year reading plan. I'm almost done! I have approx. 35 days left and I will have read the whole Bible in a little over a year (I missed some days here and there and had to catch up...). Once I'm done, I check Facebook and check in with my challenge groups. At this point, oil pillion is done! I get out of bed and get breakfast going. After breakfast, it's workout time! I get this done as soon as possible so that I don't let life get in the way of it. Procrastination kills my workouts, so I try not to let that happen. Plus, I need my workout for an energy boost to start my day.

At night, my kids go to bed around 9 (the baby sometimes 9:45/10 depending on if I can get her down without a fight). Once they are in bed, I get some "me" time. I usually will unwind with Facebook and some television. I have a few shows that I love to watch. (I would definitely be upset without The Voice!) Around 11/11:30, it's time for bed. I reflect on my day, do some reading in bed (usually some personal development), and then it's lights out. 

Looking back at my routine, I'm glad I've added in some good habits. I need to make it a priority to add in a few more non-negotiables. I plan to start and end my day in prayer. It's the only way I've ever known to strengthen my relationship with The Lord and I need to make this more of a #1 priority. I also plan to add in drinking a full glass of water in the morning and drinking my hot water with lemon in place of coffee. Once that routine is set, I can focus more on improving the middle of my day. However, I know if the beginning and ending of my days are right, the rest will fall in line.

I hope some of you found this helpful! I would love to hear your daily routines, too!


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