Thursday, October 23, 2014

Post-Halloween Planning

Halloween is fast approaching and we all know what that means...CANDY! I don’t know about you, but once my kids hit the streets for trick-or-treat, my house will be loaded with chocolatey goodness that is nearly impossible to resist. I can already feel the pounds packing on as I think about the chocolate that I will probably consume. This is an especially hard temptation right now as I am in the middle of The Ultimate Reset and have had no sugar since the start) and it ends on the 30th. So what is my plan of action? I plan to minimize the damage that I will do from eating candy and keep my results from the reset by doing the following: Step 1: Eat some candy (hey! Ya have to live a little). Step 2: Start a new support challenge group November 3rd to get back on track. Step 3: Stay accountable and motivated by focusing on helping my challengers reach their goals. This 3-step strategy is really all I can do! And since I mentioned that step 2 is starting a new challenge group, I would like to extend an invitation for YOU to join me! If you’ve been eating poorly and want to get back into healthier habits...if you have a few pounds (or maybe 15 or more?) you want to lose...if you’re tired of being tired ALL THE TIME and want to get your energy back before the real holidays come knocking...and if you’re ready to look your best this holiday season...then JOIN my online support group and you will get yourself back into gear and ready to take on the world! Apply here: Fill out my form! and let’s do this! I can’t wait to hear from you and help you get started!

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